VO Talent

3 Ways to Double Check Your Auditions to Ensure they're Great

3 Ways to Double Check Your Auditions to Ensure they're Great

When you send off an audition for a job, are you sure it's your best? Better yet, are you sure it's giving you your best shot at landing the gig?

As VO Talent, we've all been there - a great job posting comes your way and you think you're perfect for it. You pre-read the script a few times and then step in front of the mic to record your audition. After you've recorded and edited your audio, you send it off and hope for the best.

But maybe you skipped a few steps, maybe there's still a couple of things you can do to make sure you nailed the audition. Here's 3 ways you can double check your auditions after recording and editing them, to make sure you're putting your best foot forward.

My VO Story and What You Can Expect From This Blog

My VO Story and What You Can Expect From This Blog


If you're reading this post, then chances are you're planning to become, or already are a working voice-over talent. If so, you're in the right place! Let me tell you a little about how I got my start as a VO Talent and how I hope to help others along their VO Journey through this Blog.